How to care for your skin after 30 years

At a young age, it seems that your skin is always supple, soft, and shiny. And you don't have to make any effort. However, very often, in order to achieve the "natural" color, modern and young (sometimes very young) women have to put on the skin, and at least four of the gears (that sounds funny): primer (base coat), Foundation, powder and concealer (corrector). To avoid this, you need to provide proper care for the skin after 30. of the year (or sooner).

What's the condition of the skin

skin care after 30.

Start to take care of yourself, do not to 50 years of age, and at the beginning of their teenage years, to postpone to a later date. And then comes old age, with her, and menopause in women, the sores, the grandchildren, and not to be, as long as their youth and beauty. There is no need to see here is a call to drop everything and run to the plastic surgeon or esthetician (though sometimes it doesn't hurt). There is never too late to learn that it does not.

It is common for the mother to talk about the day care, and even to see, what to do and how. However, for some reason, my mother has a meeting to go nowhere. And just looking at the reflection in the mirror and see the first wrinkles, she remembered the lessons. The idea behind this post is simple: the sooner you start care, the more time and money saved in the future.

For a start let us examine the causes of the aging process. It is said that to achieve victory, the enemy must know in person. For this purpose, the factors that have an impact on the condition of the skin, to examine most carefully, and choose the method that you deal with each and every. We live in an age of high technology and science moves forward by leaps and bounds, but the only way to slow down the aging of skin cells have not yet been invented. And the tool to completely stop this process, it is always a dream for all women.

The fading of the skin, especially the face, to promote any of the following:

  • genetic inheritance;
  • of time;
  • a natural terms and conditions.
  • poor habits (lack of sleep, Smoking, alcohol);
  • food
  • the external effects (cuts, blows);
  • the health of the.

Placing in addition to the genetic component, if you want to change it now, it is not a question to take into account the factors that people can change or reduce their negative effects, and methods of adjustment.

The time of the

At the age of 30 to begin the fading of the skin. This is reflected in the reduction of turgor (elasticity), sagging (loss of elasticity), the appearance of mimic and age wrinkles. These processes are the result of age-related loss of hyaluronic acid.

The slow passage of time without any of the magic that is no one of us is, of course, is impossible. However, with the use of a specific anti-aging products, peptides, lotions, serums with hyaluronic acid, to look dignified at any age, in our own hands. Not always, it requires a huge amount of money, and an action of the plastic. In these times, we will leave it for a later date.

The natural conditions of the

The sun, wind and cold, may be assessed, depending on the time or change the place of residence. Totally frustrating, doesn't work. Therefore, knowledge of the effects is that it fixes:

  • the rays of the sun to evaporate the moisture and ruin the ultraviolet light, and then use a moisturizing cream with SPF-filter, in the summer months, it will be helpful, in order to avoid the consequences;
  • the wind deadens the top layer, and it dries up, it helps to scrub and nourishing cream;
  • frost, its effect is ambiguous, intertwined and positive, to negative, to neutralize negativity in the winter, they need the nutrients (fatty) cream.

Bad habits

This is a factor it is in the hands of every woman. To give up the use of cigarettes, alcohol, go to bed on time, you can. The other thing is that many people don't want to, or in the struggle against the vices, laziness wins. Because of the possibilities that are out there, working in shifts - Napping, should be no less than 7 hours at a time. In the meantime, the body has time to recover. And given the fact that this will slow down the regeneration of around 30-35, you will need all 8.

The food

A man is what he eats. The proper disposition, with a small correction – you need to consider and the gastrointestinal tract. The diet has to be perfect. The drinking of large quantities of the fruit and vegetable sector, the presence in the diet of cereals, and soups, it will contribute to proper metabolism, a stable digestive system. This will result in the improvement of the shape and the look.

Outside the influence of the

The regular damage (from active wrestling, Boxing), the use of an annoying tool in order to find the area of an aggressive environment, the beauty of the le will not be added. Adhesions and scars adorn only men. Therefore, these factors need to be to nullify.

The health of the

Any illness, stress, infection, and affect the face. They are manifested in the form of a nasty rash, redness, dark circles under the eyes, puffiness, and also unhealthy colour icteric, gray, earth). In order to avoid these problems, by the help of the common health prevention.

This includes an annual health check-ups, vaccination against the most common infections and the right way of life.

The stress of helping a sedative.

Here are some General tips

the screen

To sum up, in order to achieve the effect of rejuvenating or maintaining the youth face is one way to do this, it will not be enough. You will also need a set of measures, and in beauty products. These will be designed to:

  • - cleaning (including the removal of dead cells), the restoration of the vital force (toning);
  • hydration and food.

In the first phase, it is necessary to remove all influence of the outside world. During the day, the skin accumulates a huge amount of dust particles, the harmful impurities from the exhaust pipes of automobiles), chemicals which are found in abundance in the air of large cities. On the night of the gathering of the sweat, and the diet of choice (fat).

The food of choice to mix with sweat to clog the pores and form inflammatory lesions, redness, black spots.

First, the foam of the water, wipe the face, then it is no more than 3 times a week, use the peeling scrub exfoliate dead skin cells. Handle the toner cartridges and apply the appropriate day or night cream on your face. The area around the eyes and lips, too, used the cream, but it has been designed for this purpose.

The second is designed to ensure the assets of the nutrients needed for skin regeneration. Moisturizing light cream with particles of a moisture - it is necessary during the summer period, when the high temperature of the water increases the loss. The diet, therefore more oily cream, which is necessary in the winter when the body requires for the provision of the heat.

After the cleansing, after 30 years, added an additional step is to fill in the cells of the epidermis, hyaluronic acid. In addition to the use of the cream can be used a peptide cocktail, a therapeutic program.

In addition to the daily care of every two or three days, it is advisable to carry out a more in-depth care, make-up, the means of stimulation of the metabolic processes of oil extraction.

The ideal situation is that every woman's in addition to the make-up in the bathroom, on the shelf they should be:

  • a day and a night cream;
  • the funds for the care of the skin around the eyes and the mouth (usually of a pair);
  • a foam cleanser or a micellar water.
  • the tool for ease of peeling;
  • tonic;
  • serum with hyaluronic acid

The main rule is to maintain the beauty and health of the skin has to be regularly and on a daily basis. The allocation of up to 15 minutes in the morning and 10 in the evening is not that hard as someone might think. And watch tv every two or three days, and can be combined with the use of a mask.

Care at home

The most popular one is taking care of the home. It does not require the additional expense of the pay of a cosmetologist. In the application of the treaty, is to be very patient.

There are misconceptions that it's just a lounge, it has managed to preserve the youthfulness and health of your skin. The proper application of folk remedies sometimes much more effective than factory-made. Because they contain live elements.

Face masks from fruits, vegetables, and berries, they contain more vitamins than the manufacturer's specifications. And, therefore, the impact will be greater. The life giving power of honey (see below for the video), and the propolis is also preferred that the used in the raw form.

Many of the recipes of masks manufacturers, taken from a database of favorite recipes. It is no wonder that the major manufacturers have each year held a contest for the best recipe.

At home, you can use the berries in a clean way, saving you a lot of time. A simple tool can be powerful weapons against the ageing process of the skin. The mineral water is in the form of an ice – tones, and invigorates no worse than store-bought lotions. Egg protein its nutritional value, it is able to compete, possibly, by the placenta. Its ability to tighten pores and smooth fine lines is scientifically proven.

In the hands of a beautician

One of the trips to the beauticians, to compensate for a week of home-care services. Provided, however, that he is a specialist of high qualification, and the hike is not a one-time action. Find masters of their craft are quite difficult. The beauty of it becomes every year more and more.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the reviews that were left by visitors in the book of complaints and suggestions (if any), or you can find it on the internet. You may want to consult with some of the girls, who already use such services. It is also necessary to pay attention to the specialization of the wizard.

The second weakness (after a search), there is a relatively high cost for the service. However, this problem is solved more easily. At the first visit of a visitor-always obtain the advice of the beautician to care for, the choice of the means determined most effective by the company.

In the meantime, it is available only to cosmetic procedures (chemical peels, some of the face masks, the beauty of the images, etc.). Later they agreed (cosmetologists are also of the people, only for them to do. The wizard will also tell you what the mask is, and where it would be better for you to do so. Any other steps necessary to start.

You can also make an appointment to develop a program for the week, which includes both home and salon care.

The differences related to the age of the care of the

bad habits

In order to avoid damaging the weakened skin for any woman, after 30 years of age milestone, you need to take into account the specific rules, and the secrets of:

  1. Apply the cream is to be a vocal of the light, the movement, avoiding friction and stretching of and damage to the skin;
  2. The process is carried out, not only the face but also neck and neck, they do not require less care;
  3. Take into account the skin type and pick up the gear fit, only for her to look at the age of. After all, care for dry or combination skin, a 25-year-old woman, who was not, therefore, is how to care for oily skin for 30 years.
  4. The night cream is desirable to apply about an hour before going to bed;
  5. The lipid, an antioxidant, hyaluronic complexes, it is best to use after using the home of the cream;
  6. Before going to bed do not drink a lot of liquids, possible edema;
  7. A daily massage of the fingertips, and the contrast of the water treatments without collagen to improve elasticity and increase skin tone.

Ideal for the care of skin after 30 years, you should combine both a salon treatment and at home. Because of the free daily moisturizing and cleaning will be a work-in-progress. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Looking skin youth, health and radiance.